Ziya’s Weekly Recap – Week of Nov. 27 2017

This is the first in what I hope is a series of many weekly recaps of all the major posts and articles I’ve posted on LinkedIn broken down by day. Hope there will be something here that will help you in your sales career or business. Enjoy!

Monday Nov. 27, 2017

Insight from one of my experiences out in the field

Went on a joint field call with a sales rep in Tsukuba, Japan recently and was impressed with this sales rep’s persistence.

Calendar Date HighlightedThe thing that impressed me was he tried to pin down the customer on a commitment for feedback on the proposed contract.

He tried confirming the response date from the customer THREE times. Wouldn’t give up and finally the customer relented and agreed to respond within two weeks after discussing with other members of his team. This is a great example of persistence as well as maintaining an attitude to get a response (close).

If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.

As a salesperson, we hear negatives or "non-answers" everyday. It takes a special person who will not give up and not take "no" or a "non-answer" as a response. Is that you?

As a sales rep, be persistent. Don’t give up. Don’t be pushy or obnoxious, but be firm and aim to get a commitment from a customer at the end of your sales call. That’s called being an efficient sales rep and getting the most from a sales call!


Question for the week: When has persistence with a customer worked for you or has there been a time where you think you could have been more persistent with a customer?

Link to the original LinkedIn post.

Tuesday Nov. 28, 2017

The future of sales and AI?

Great article on the future of what new technology related skills sales reps need to master in the very near future ... similar to how pcs and emails were mastered despite initial fears. Correctly highlights the future progression of sales related technologies.

Read the article here

Wednesday Nov. 29, 2017

I’m going cold turkey in 2018!

fountain pen with notebookAfter using many notebooks and pens in my 40+ years as a sales pro, I’m moving to an iPad Pro to take notes. This came about when I recently met a participant in one of my training programs who was using an iPad Pro. She could type notes, write handwritten notes, fill out premade forms and best of all, reference old notes! She said she had numerous notebooks previously but now only uses the iPad.

Note taking is a cornerstone to my business and for sales personnel. During a call, meeting, or planning a business proposal, my notes have all the critical details to make it through my day. Simply put, I write everything down!

This is a big change for me and one that I think will help me out immensely in my business. The benefits of digitizing everything going forward will be an evolution for me as a sales person. Just think, all my notes in a searchable manner, anytime, anywhere!

I'll keep you all updated on this digital journey. This will be a shared experience and I hope it will help you to make the leap with something that you’ve been contemplating on changing either as a sales person or businessperson.

In leaving, how many of you are currently using a digital solution for your note taking? Let me know in the comments.

Link to original LinkedIn post

Thursday Dec. 1, 2017

What One Car Sales Man Did Right And The Other Four Did Wrong

I posted my second long article on LinkedIn about my experience leasing a car. This is the first time I’ve ever leased a vehicle in my life. My story will hopefully highlight that the most basic tasks and being prepared can win that contract/sale.

Read the full article on LinkedIn

Friday DEC. 2, 2017

Thank you.

Nothing sales related today, I wanted to say thank you for everyone that’s taken the time to read, like, and comment on my material from the past week. The response has been great and I look forward to sharing more with you. Have a great weekend!